Weekly status update [0020/????]

It’s kind of amazing to me that I’m 20 weeks, 140 days, into retirement.  It both doesn’t feel that long at all–I can still remember driving into work and hunting for a parking spot, sometimes the most challenging thing I did all day–and impressively far in the past.  That second part excites me; I was a little worried that the days would quickly start disappearing into a blur of nothingness, but instead I feel like I actually get quite a bit out of most of my waking hours.  Sure, it’s reading, or playing games, but those are both things that I wanted to do more of in the past and didn’t have the time for.  Now that I do, it’s nice.  Really nice.

  • I’ve officially given up on the whole USPS situation.  Dealing with their international handling department is a special kind of hell.  I got replacements for all of the items, so I don’t really care that much now; I’m mostly just angry I wasted time contacting them in the first place.  More fool me for trying to do the right thing.
  • I fasted most of this week, and I think that was successful in recalibrating my hunger levels… but then I went and ate way too much today in a sort of rebound effect.  Sigh.  I still stuck with the keto side of things, so I’m not worried about that, but we’ll have to see in the days ahead if I screwed it up.
  • Still haven’t done much in the way of puzzles.  The dot-by-dot book I got in my last order from Japan is actually really disappointing; it has a bunch of cheater art in the background of most of the puzzles, so you almost always know what the picture is going to be before you start.  Boo.
  • Played a whole lot of videogames this week.  I finished Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction after putting it aside a couple of months ago, and tore through Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty in a single sitting the next day (it’s short, though).  I still haven’t made much more progress in Shining in the Darkness, though; I’m not sure why.  I was enjoying it when I was playing it.  Instead I picked up the original PlayStation version of Final Fantasy Tactics digitally and started playing it on my PS3… but I think I’m gonna force myself to set that aside and get back to the Shining series.
  • I’m a good chunk of the way into The Moon and the Other, which is an interesting sf novel by John Kessel.  In some ways its setting is an inversion of The Handmaid’s Tale, which makes for really interesting compare-and-contrast reading.  I didn’t do that intentionally… but it’s a neat result.
  • Watched a whole lot of Landail on Twitch, as he was playing a game I particularly like (Tactics Ogre) most of the week.  Actively spent less time in some of the other online communities I’m a part of due to frustration with some of them.
  • My back’s not in great shape again yet, but it’s better every day, I feel, and I’m taking an ibuprofen every morning to help reduce the inflammation.
  • On the other hand, I haven’t needed my wrist braces for days, which is very nice.

All in all, despite the frustrations I had earlier in the week, I feel pretty good about how it ended.  Even the tiniest dent in my gaming backlog’s a good thing, and I’ve really been enjoying my recent reading level.  Hopefully next week will continue the up and to the right trend.

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